Lesbian Slang Collection
Lemon. Lesbian Dictionary (Australia).
Sweet, juicy & tasty.
In Australia when it is used lemon referring to a woman the meaning is that a woman is a lesbian person. This expression has not negative nuances and is quite used among lesbians. The origin of this slang word is unknown for sure and the explanations we have found are quite diverse.
On the one hand, we must bear in mind that previously this slang was already used to point an unattractive woman or sour or even to qualify a car with hidden defects. Nevertheless, the fact is that, having relation or not with the previous thing, the use of this lesbian slang appeared in Australia from 1980. In this sense, some say that the use of this word is derived from a phonetic similarity between a certain way of pronouncing the word lesbian and lemon. Others say it has to do with a kind of anime called Cream Lemon, with lesbian content.
It is also worth mentioning that Lemonkind, an Australian lesbian support group, states that “we call ourselves lemons because we are sweet, juicy and tasty”As our Lemon drawing, available to print on light and dark background. Do you Like it?
Consult our English Lesbian Dictionary to learn more interesting words and stories.
Sexual Diversity in Australia according to Wikipedia.
When you purchase a Moscas de Colores design you not only help us to support this website and this project, but you also become part of the group of people that spread the words, their history and the reality that has gone with us and that still goes with us, because each of our designs is a story that you will tell and explain, an opportunity to help things get better by normalizing, visibilizing and, why not, reappropriating.

Lemon. Lesbian Dictionary (Australia).
In Australia when you use lemon referring to a woman what you want to say is that this woman is a lesbian. This expression has no negative nuances and is widely used by the LGBT community. We have turned it into a fresh and juicy Drawing & Story, great for your lesbian shirt to wear with proud every day or to gift someone special.
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