Gay Dictionary Euskera/Basque
How to say gay in Euskera / Basque
Below are the words of our Euskera / Basque Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Euskera / Basque is a not Indo-European language spoken in the Basque Country, comprised territories of Spain and France along the Gulf of Biscay. It is considered an isolate language, being with languages like Finnish, Hungarian and Turkish one of the few languages currently spoken in Europe that is not descended from Indo-European family.
Although a year earlier had already convened a demonstration against the Law of Social Danger, the first LGBT pride was held in Bilbao on Friday, June 22, 1979, under the slogan “Homosexualitea kalera” (Homosexuality to the street) with a party in the Arenal the following day, which ended with 138 detainees in the police station, selected according to their appearance. These protest and festive events were convened by the LGBT associations, then illegal, EHGAM and ESAM, by the Women’s Assembly of Bizkaia, and by several political parties and unions.
Euskadiko lagunak!!! Non daude zuen hitzak??? Gure LGTB hiztegia aberasteko bidali zuek erabiltzen dituzuen hitzak.
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