Gay Dictionary Finnish
How to say gay in Finnish
Below are the words of our Finnish Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Finnish or Suomi is the official language, along with Swedish, in Finland, spoken by more than 5 million people. Belonging to the family of Uralic languages is one of the few European languages not descended from Indo-European.
The situation of LGBT people in Finland is good since marriage and adoption are egalitarian. In the same way, an abundant anti-discrimination law has been granted and legislation in favor of LGBT rights, such as access to assisted reproduction techniques for lesbians. Although it was not always like this, since when the first gay pride was celebrated, the twenty participants were arrested for promoting lewd behavior, and that, although homosexuality was decriminalized in 1971, its promotion was illegal until 1999. Currently, Finland is a very friendly country for LGBT people and is in the top positions in the Gay Happiness Index (GHI), a survey conducted worldwide by the Planet Romeo dating platform.
In our Finnish Gay Dictionary, we emphasized the eschatological reference shared with other countries in northern Europe, by reference to brown and the relation between anal sex and chocolate.
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B-Rapun Poika
B stairs boy. A stairs is slang of vagina and B stairs is slang of anus. B stairs boy you can imagine …
The literal translation of Banaanipoika is banana boy. Relating the banana to the penis, it has the sense of a fag.
Finnish adaptation of the word faggot. Derogative. It can also mean metrosexual.
Variations: Fagotti, fägötti.
literally means Facer boy. Facer is a brand of chocolate. Relates chocolate with anal sex.
Complex word. It can mean gay scene, or other side philias, homophilia, homosexual. It is also an object to protect the boats parked in the docks, such elongated float.
Hinaaja is the word used in Finland to name tugboats, in the same way, they use the word Hinari to name the cranes towing cars and other motor vehicles, or people who drive them. Both are slang for faggot for the issue to take someone hooked behind, a clear reference to the anal sex. Something like doing a mechanical caterpillar or Dada eroticism with steel and winches…Check our article for the Gay Slang Collection to read more information about the curious origin of this Finnish word and about the curious history of sexual diversity in the land of Tom of Finland.
T-shirt with the Hinaaja drawing. You can purchase it in our online stores.
Read more: Hinaaja. Gay Dictionary (Finland).
tower, person who tows, for that to take someone back, in reference to anal sex. Derogatory.
Variations: Hina.
fag, faggot. Derogatory intention.
See Gay Dictionary: Hinaaja (Finland)
fag, faggot. Derogatory intention.
Homo is a short form of homosexual. Neutral.
Variations: Homoseksualisti.
Homppeli is a jocular expression that we could translate as gay, although it is also used among friends when there is confidence, such as occurs, for example, in Spain, where a straight man can name his straight friend “mariquita” without it being offensive.
literally means plumber and it is slang of faggot.
+Ruskean Reiän Ritari
The literal translation of Ruskean Reiän Ritari is Knight of the Brown Hole. It is a derogatory expression used against gays that relates anal sex with feces and with homosexuality, as if gays only had anal sex, or as if anal sex were only enjoyed by homosexual men…
It is an understood used by older people. The translation would be “that”, and the sense “that kind of”…
little breast boy, coward, pussy, and less frequently, gay.
panty-sakari. It refers to an older man wearing women’s clothes.
Sir Chocolate, director of chocolate, chocolate title.
The literal translation of Suklaapoika is chocolate boy. In northern Europe, it is quite common to associate homosexual men with brown color because of anal sex … For this reason, a chocolate boy is a gay boy or a gay man.
left-handed. Divided the world into good and bad, the good people are righ-handed and left-handed are bad. Straight and deviants.
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