Gay Dictionary Galician
How to say gay in Galician
Below are the words of our Galician Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Romance language of Galician – Portuguese subgroup of the Indo-European family, spoken mainly in the spanish region of Galicia, and also is spoken in areas of Asturias, Castilla- León, Extremadura and the north of Portugal, surpassing the three million speakers.
The first manifestation of gay pride in Galicia was held in Vigo on June 29, 1981, convened by the incipient galician coordination of gay’s collectives (CCGG) in which some 500 people participated. The spark would have ignited just the previous year, in a feminist party to celebrate pride, in which brochures were distributed and in which a banner was carried claiming the lesbian sexuality of women: “Sexuality is not heterosexuality. Let’s defend our lesbianism with pride.” Thirty-eight years later the LGBT pride is celebrated, in addition to the big cities, in small towns such as Xinzo or Forcarei, with 3500 inhabitants.
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