Gay Dictionary Japanese
How to say gay in Japanese
Below are the words of our Japanese Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
The Japanese is a Japonic language spoken by more than one hundred and thirty million people, mostly in Japan where it is the official language. It is also an official language in Palau and the Marshall Islands. Highlights in our Japanese gay dictionary the word okama from Gay Slang Collection.
Homosexual behavior has never been illegal in Japan except for 7 years, between 1873-1880, in an attempt to approach the Christian morality of the West, and has never been considered a sin by society or by religion. In Japan, they understand sex in a different way than in the West since it is not a moral issue, but it has to do with pleasure, social position, and responsibility. In general terms it can be said that in Japan they have no problem with homosexual behavior, but with homosexuality, that is why the LGBT community does not enjoy the same rights or the same protections that we have in the West, and that is why many homosexual people hide it and even get married forming a heterosexual couple.
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Literally translated, it would mean “pink tribe” and in slang, gay. It originally comes from the name of the first Japanese gay magazine, published from 1971 to 2004.
Homosexual. Neutral intention.
gay. Neutral.
+Homo (ホモ)
Homo (ホモ) is the short form of homosexual.
The literal translation of Okama is a cauldron, cooking pot and despite in origin was a slang word for ass, now is slang for faggot, but as has happened in the rest of the planet the use of word Okama has been standardized acquiring a neutral meaning in addition to derogatory. The word Onabe, which also means pot, used to name lesbians. Read our article for the Gay Slang Collection for more information on this word.
T-shirt with the Okama drawing. You can purchase it in our online stores.
Read more: Okama. Gay Dictionary (Japan).
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