Gay Dictionary Lithuanian
How to say gay in Lithuanian
Below are the words of our Lithuanian Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Lithuanian is a language of the Indo-European language family. It has an estimated number of about four million speakers, mainly in Lithuania where it is the official language.
The situation of the LGBT community in Lithuania is bad and does not differ too much from that of Latvia, also an ex-Soviet Baltic country, but in the case of Lithuania they have engaged in legislative measures, Russian-style, with which they pretend to protect childhood limiting the communication of issues that have to do with sexual diversity. Not without difficulties raised by the authorities and with organized protests and homophobic attacks, Lithuania participates in the Baltic Pride since 2010. In Lithuania, there are laws against discrimination and against hate speech, but same-sex couples are not recognized, equal marriage it is prohibited by the constitution and homoparental adoption is not allowed. Surveys show the progress and setbacks of the society in relation to sexual diversity, in a country that is a member of the European Union, a shame and an injustice.
Highlights in our Lithuanian Gay Dictionary almost perfect coincidence with Russian Gay Dictionary, apparently Lithuanian society insult fags with the same concepts than Russian.
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