Gay Dictionary Luxembourgish
How to say gay in Luxembourgish
Below are the words of our Luxembourgish Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Luxembourgish is an Indo-European language spoken in Luxembourg and in small areas of France and Germany. There are about 300,000 speakers worldwide.
The situation of the LGBT community in Luxembourg is quite good, as they enjoy equal marriage and homoparental adoption, as well as anti-discrimination and anti-hate speech legislation. The surveys show a society with a very high degree of acceptance of the rights of gay and lesbian people, however the same can not be said of the rights of transgender and transsexual people since their legislation still forces sterilization and surgery for gender change. Absolutely demential in the cradle of the European Union.
In this brief, but not least, Gay Dictionary, we highlight the word Lénks, which means left, and its relationship with the term right, related with straight. Straight & Deviant paradigm and Right & Left paradigm, concentrated in one word.
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