Gay Dictionary Romanian
How to say gay in Romanian
Below are the words of our Romanian Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Romanian is a language of the Indo-European family, spoken mainly in Romania and Moldova (named Moldovan) With a total of twenty million speakers is, in addition to the countries above, the official language in one zone of Serbia.
In 2006 Human Rights Watch named Romania as one of the five countries – including Spain – in which “exemplary progress in combating rights abuses based on sexual orientation or gender identity.” However, in recent years, the stagnation has been remarkable due to the high degree of homophobia in society and in its political class. On the one hand, legislation against hate speech is granted and on the other hand, they allow associations and organizations that carry out public marches against homosexuality. All parliamentary initiatives aimed at the legalization of equal marriage or civil union have failed, and opinion polls show that the majority of the population would not eat with a homosexual, would not like him as a neighbor and would want prohibited homosexuality. However, in the younger sectors of the population begin to see timid progress. Since 2004 the Budapest Pride, also known as Gay Fest, organized by the LGBT organization ACCEPT, which culminates with a parade through the city, not without incidents caused by anti-LGBT groups.
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