Gay Dictionary Russian
How to say gay in Russian
Below are the words of our Russian Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Russian is a language of the Indo-European family, spoken by 278 million people in 17 countries and is official in 11 countries and territories.
As in the rest of the world, in the past homosexual behavior in Russia was frequent and accepted, in fact, the first law that prohibited something related was that of Peter the Great, in 1716, to prohibit exclusively anal intercourse in the army. At present Russia leads the group of pedophile countries, in which homosexual men are intentionally associated with pedophilia – nothing further from reality – and the protection of children is used to commit the greatest atrocities. Murders, assaults, and harassment are common in Russia, and the battle against diversity by its political class culminated in 2013 with the ban on homosexual propaganda, which has curtailed activism and increased violence against the LGBT community.
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Afedronŝik (Афедронщик)
Afedronŝik (Афедронщик) is an expression of the Russian language that we could translate into English as a young bottom homosexual or catamite.
+Akrobat (акробат)
The Spanish translation of the Russian word Akrobat (акробат) is an acrobat and is a slang belonging to the criminal jargon to refer to bottom homosexual men.
+Armânskaâ koroleva (армянская королева)
Armânskaâ koroleva (армянская королева) is a Russian slang whose literal translation into English is Armenian Queen, an expression belonging to the criminal slang used to refer derogatorily to bottom homosexual men. You know, it happens in all countries, homosexuality always comes from outside.
+Barhotka (Бархотка)
The literal translation of the Russian slang Barhotka (Бархотка) is a piece of velvet and is used to refer to the young bottom homosexual, relating the velvet to the anus.
+Barsuk (барсук)
The Russian word Barsuk (барсук) translated into English is a badger. It is a slang to refer to boys who have had homosexual experiences, usually in male scenes such as schools and encampments, and probably against their will. We have also found the expression Golubój Barsuk (голубой Барсук), blue badger, to refer contemptuously to homosexual boys in general.
+Baton (батон)
Baton (батон) is a Russian loan word, coming from the French language (bâton: stick, cane), that we could translate as a loaf (of bread or meat), but in criminal jargon refers to a bottom homosexual man.
+Byčok (Бычок)
Byčok (Бычок) is a Russian expression belonging to the criminal jargon that we could translate into the English language as a sissy and also, curiously, as a cigarette fag-end.
+Cheburashka (чебурашка)
Cheburashka (чебурашка) is a slang to refer to young gay boys, including minors. The origin of this expression is found in the name of one of the main characters in a series of children’s stories by the writer Eduard Uspensky, which began in 1966 with the publication of The Crocodile Gena and his friends, and which would later become cartoons.
As we have read, it seems that this expression phonetically resembles the Russian expression to define something stiff and limited in movements, such as the rolly-polly toy, those vertical dolls that no matter how much you knock them down, they always return to their vertical position. In the first chapter, this strange animal with big ears traveled hidden in a fruit box. When the box reached its destination, and the grocer discovered it, he exclaimed, you’re so dumb чебурашка! because the little animal, due to numbness, fell from the box to the floor. So this exclamation becomes its name.
Cheburashka, the Russian twink. Photo by Martin Abegglen used under CC BY-SA 2.0, resized and optimized.
We recently received an e-mail asking for an equivalent Russian term to the twink of the English language. If there is one, it would be Cheburashka. This expression, pronounced as chiburrasca, would have all the fundamental elements that twink has, as the association with childhood and lack of substance. The only missing thing would be a sweet Russian bun with that name so that the equivalence would be perfect.
This fictional character was the mascot of the Athens 2004 Olympic team, which also accompanied the Russian team in those of Turin 2006.
+Čičerâka (чичеряка)
Čičerâka (чичеряка) is a Russian expression with origins in criminal jargon to contemptuously refer to both homosexuals and weak men, and which we could translate into English as a sissy, a faggot, etc. We have also found it defined as one who has been accused of sodomy.
Variant: Čičirâka (чичиряка)
+Čudilʹnik (чудильник)
Čudilʹnik (чудильник) is a Russian expression with many meanings, among them, monster, monkey, alarm clock, binge drinking place … but in criminal jargon, they use it to refer to the top homosexual men.
+Čuškarʹ (чушкарь)
Čuškarʹ (чушкарь) is an expression of Russian criminal and prison slang to refer to a dirty, scruffy, dumb, and despicable convict, who has been fucked by other prisoners, as well as to refer to the bottom homosexual.
+Čušok (чушок)
Čušok (чушок) is an expression of Russian prison slang that we could translate into English as a pig. They use it to refer contemptuously to bottom homosexuals and those who suffer sexual abuse as if they were.
+Dâtel (Дятел)
Dâtel (Дятел) is a Russian expression belonging to the criminal jargon, whose literal translation is a woodpecker, and it is slang for a top homosexual man.
+Dodik (додик)
Dodik (додик) is a Russian expression belonging to the criminal to refer contemptuously to bottom young homosexual men. In general, people also use it to refer to an effeminate man, as well as a weak or mediocre one. We have not found the literal meaning of this word, nor its origin, but it may be in the assignment of negative characteristics of some men to homosexual men for the simple fact of being it. We see this process in so many expressions, as the word Pato, from the Spanish gay dictionary.
+Dvustvolka (двустволка)
Dvustvolka (двустволка) is the Russian name for a shotgun with two barrels. This duality is the origin of this expression as slang for bisexual men in criminal jargon, although people also use it to refer to a woman, a girl, and also a woman who has sex with two men.
+Dyrâvy (Дырявы)
The Russian verb Dyrâvy (Дырявы) translated into English is perforated, and is a slang to refer contemptuously to bottom homosexual men, in a clear reference to anal sex.
+Gejropa (гейропа)
Gejropa (гейропа) is a Russian slang that is not specifically an insult to gay men but is a coined expression to refer in a mocking or paranoid way to Europe or the European Union. With the words Gay and Europe, gayrope wants to highlight that the EU is gay-friendly, decadent, or even that the Gay Mafia is controlling Europe. They also use it when something is considered too much gay for Russia, such as the celebration of the day of the airborne forces, on August 2 at the fountain of the Gorky park, if it is a good day.
+Gey (Гей)
The Russian word Gey (Гей) is the adaptation of the English word gay. Although it may seem otherwise, some homosexual people do not like this expression because they consider it more related to an identity with which they do not identify. However, this will depend on the generation to which they belong because the younger people, more related to English terms, can consider it neutral, positive, and normal its use.
+Glinomes (глиномес)
The Russian word Glinomes (глиномес), whose Spanish translation is clay, is used to refer to this material or the people who work with it. It is also a slang from criminal jargon to refer to top homosexual men or, in general, to men who penetrate others, due color, and texture of traces of faces that may appear on the penis after anal intercourse, similar to clay. This slang has the same origin that Mostacero, from the Spanish language.
+Golubój (голубо́й)
Golubój (голубо́й) is a Russian word that appears referenced for the first time with the meaning of gay man between the 60s and 70s. It is a colloquial expression whose positive or pejorative connotation depends on the context and intention of whoever uses it. However, we have read that it may be the preferred term in Russia as opposed to other terms, which are considered harder or foreigner. Golubój has displaced other forms as the media has incorporated them into their speech.
Our Golubój illustration can be purchased printed on t-shirts and many products.
There is a lot of controversy among linguists on the Golubój slang origin. The more credible to us at the moment has to do with its etymology. Golubój is the name for the baby blue color in Russian, etymologically derived from Gólubʹ (dove). Gólubʹ in the middle of the last century was the form that was used in groups of the Moscow gay subculture to refer to themselves in code. Based on this, the leap from the slang Gólubʹ (dove) could have been made to the code word Golubój (blue); taking into account, besides, the neutral and even positive character of the latter, without the feminizing connotations of the word dove, and in contrast to the habitual and derogatory insults of pederast and its derivatives.
Read more: Golubój. Gay dictionary (Russia).
+Gomik (Гомик)
Gomik (Гомик) is a derogatory expression that derives from the word homosexual.
+Gomosâtina (гомосятина)
Gomosâtina (гомосятина) is a Russian expression used to refer contemptuously to male homosexuality as a whole, or something related with, and that we could translate into English as “fagness.”
+Gomosek (Гомосек)
Gomosek (Гомосек) is a derogatory expression derived from the word homosexual.
+Gomoseksual (гомосексуал)
The translation of the Russian word Gomoseksual (гомосексуал) is homosexual. This way of referring to homosexuality would be mostly neutral, as opposed to other forms such as Gomoseksualist (Гомосексуалист) and Gomoseksualisty (Гомосексуалисты) that have psychiatric connotations. However, an important part of the Russian gay community does not accept it either.
+Gomoseksualist (Гомосексуалист)
The English translation of the Russian word Gomoseksualist (Гомосексуалист) is homosexual, and it is an expression that does not like to those involved by their psychiatric connotation. The form gomoseksual (гомосексуал) is more accepted instead, although an important part of gay people neither accept it.
Variant: Gomoseksualisty (Гомосексуалисты).
+Guznoëb (гузноёб)
Guznoëb (гузноёб) is a slang of the Russian language to refer contemptuously to homosexual men. This expression derives from Guzno (гузно), which is an obscene way of referring to the ass, so this slang could have the meaning of someone who does things with the butt. We have also found this slang in the idiom sranyj guznoëb (сраный гузноёб) that we could translate into English as a fucking faggot.
+Hueglot (Хуеглот)
Hueglot (Хуеглот) is a derogatory expression of the Russian language whose translation into English is a cocksucker. The first part Hu- means cock and the last -glot means throat. People also use it to refer to a bottom homosexual man, as well as swear expression.
+Huegryz (хуегрыз)
Huegryz (хуегрыз) is an obscene slang whose literal translation is cock biter, more concretely, the one who nibbles cocks, in a clear reference to oral sex.
+Huesos (хуесос)
Huesos (хуесос) is a derogatory Russian expression whose translation into English would be a cocksucker. It has two parts, ху- which means cock, and -coc, which means to suck. It is slang with several meanings, the literal one to refer contemptuously to homosexual men, and also a fool, or despicable.
Synonym: Hueglot (Хуеглот)
+Kočegar (кочегар)
Kočegar (кочегар) is a Russian word whose translation into English is a stoker, the person in charge of the stove, especially in steam engines. In Russian criminal jargon, it refers to top gay men.
+Kopčik (копчик)
Kopčik (копчик) is a slang belonging to the Russian criminal slang, which literal translation into English is the coccyx, and they use it to refer contemptuously to bottom homosexual men.
+Kozël (козёл)
The English translation of the Russian word Kozël (козёл) is the billy goat. It is a word with many meanings, but in criminal jargon, they use it to refer disparagingly to gay men.
+Krečet (кречет)
Krečet (кречет) is the name for the gyrfalcon in the Russian language, a type of falcon that inhabits arctic and sub-arctic areas. It is also the name for various military vehicles and, without having found the reason, it is slang for a homosexual man.
+Kruglâk (кругляк)
The literal translation of the Russian word Kruglâk (кругляк) is a log, more specifically, rounded wood. In criminal jargon, it is slang for bisexual men, and although we have not found the relation, drafts attention this other dictionary expression, Okruglënnyj (округлённый), whose translation into English is rounded and it is a slang for bottom homosexual. If the rounded refers to the gay’s ass or his femininity, the hardwood could refer to masculinity, to that top part of the bisexual man.
+Kukuruznik (кукурузник)
Kukuruznik (кукурузник) is a Russian word that we could translate into English as a cornfield. People also use this expression to refer to a type of Russian aircraft, and even as the nickname of the President of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev, they say, for his agrarian policy related to corn. We don’t know how or why, but in criminal jargon, they use it to refer disparagingly to gay men. Maybe, because a cornfield is full of ears of corn…
+Kuročka (курочка)
Kuročka (курочка) is one of the names that the hen receives in the Russian language. In prison jargon, they use it to refer to the bottom homosexual men. The origin of this expression may be in another prison slang for homosexual men that is Petuh (Петух), much better known and whose literal translation into English is a rooster.
Variant: Kurica (курица).
+Manʹka (манька)
The Russian word Manʹka (манька) is a derogatory variant of Manâ (Маня) which is the hypocoristic of Marʹâ (Марья), whose English translation is Maria, the woman’s name. In Russia, people use this slang to refer derogatorily to homosexual men, especially effeminate ones. So, we could translate Manʹka into English as a sissy.
+Markotašnik (маркоташник)
Markotašnik (маркоташник) is a Russian slang to refer disparagingly to gay men. We do not know for sure its translation into the English language, but it seems that it could be translated literally as a marketer or merchant. However, this does not give us any clue about its relationship with male homosexuality. Could it be related to prostitution? Who knows.
+Maruha (маруха)
Maruha (маруха) is a Russian slang belonging to the criminal jargon with many meanings, woman, girl, lover, girlfriend, prostitute, and, of course, effeminate homosexual. It is also slang for marijuana and hashish.
+Maška (машка)
Maška (машка) is a diminutive of the name Maria, which in criminal jargon refers to bottom homosexual men.
+Morgalik (моргалик)
Morgalik (моргалик) is a slang of the Russian criminal slang to refer contemptuously to homosexual men. Its literal translation ranges from blinking light, blinker, smokehouse, wink… nothing to indicate a possible relationship with male homosexuality. Although some idea comes to mind…
+Muzhelozhets (Мужеложец)
The translation into the English language of Muzhelozhets (Мужеложец) is a sodomite and is an expression of the Russian legal field currently in disuse.
+Okruglënnyj (округлённый)
The literal English translation of the Russian word Okruglënnyj (округлённый) is rounded, and it is slang for a bottom homosexual man. We have no found information that explains its origin, but the fact is that it is a specific term for bottoms. This suggests that it could refer either to the ass or to the stereotypical femininity of homosexual men, concerning the curves of women.
+Pederast (Педераст)
The word Pederast (Педераст) translated into the English language is pederast and it is a derogatory expression used generically against homosexual men when in reality, most pedophiles are heterosexual men who commit sexual assaults with girls in their proximity.
+Pedik (Педик)
Pedik (Педик) is a derogatory expression derived from the word pederast.
+Pestruška (пеструшка)
The Russian word Pestruška (пеструшка) is the name given to a small rodent of the steppe, also a trout, and a type of butterfly. It is a feminine slang to contemptuously refer to homosexual men, and that we could translate as a sissy.
+Petuh (Петух)
The literal translation of the Russian word Petuh is rooster and is slang for passive homosexual. This expression has its origin in prisons and in the army and is used to name men used or abused as if they were women. The slang comes from the phonetic association with the Russian word “pederast”, as it happens with pederast countries. Check our article for the Gay Slang Collection to read more information about this word.
T-shirt with the Petuh drawing. You can purchase it in our online stores.
Read more: Petuh. Gay Dictionary (Russia).
+Pidor (Пидор)
Pidor (Пидор) is a derogatory expression derived from pederast.
+Pidoras (Пидорас)
Pidoras (Пидорас) is a derogatory expression derived from pederast.
+Šurik (шурик)
Šurik (шурик) is the diminutive or affective variant of the man’s proper name Shura, Sasha or Alexander. No one knows how or why, but in criminal jargon, it is slang for bottom homosexual and for dumb. We can only venture that perhaps it is related to one famous and homonymous fictional character, the protagonist of a series of films that began with “Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik” (1965), a shy, pretty stupid, and good boy with problems for relating to women.
+Šurin (шурин)
Šurin (шурин) is the Russian word for a brother-in-law, but whenever it refers to the wife’s brother and not when it refers to the husband’s brother. It is also slang for the bottom homosexual without us knowing the reason, although this relationship with the sister may denote a kind of feminization.
+Tëplyj brat (тёплый брат)
Tëplyj brat (тёплый брат) is an outdated slang from Russian criminal slang that we could literally translate as warm brother or hot brother. The most likely origin is the importation of the German expression Warmer Bruder whose literal translation is the same. As we already pointed out in the entry of the German Gay Dictionary, it has its origin in ecclesial pedophilia, so a more appropriate translation would be a hot priest.
Read more: Warmer Bruder
Read also: Warm+Toptun (топтун)
The literal translation of the Russian word Toptun (топтун) is a trampler, and it is a slang to refer to top gay men.
+Trubočist (трубочист)
The Spanish translation of the word Trubočist (трубочист) is a chimney sweep, and in Russian criminal jargon, it is also slang for a top homosexual man. The image is clear, change the chimney for the anus and you will see it.
+Zojka (Зойка)
Zojka (Зойка) is an expression of the Russian language used to refer disparagingly to bottom homosexual men. It is also a woman’s name, and although we have not been able to find out the relationship, it may be due to the classic feminization of the homosexual man that we find in other languages, naming him as a woman. There are many examples, such as Marica of the Spanish language, and Daisy of English.
+Žopnik (жопник)
The expression of the Russian language Žopnik (жопник) etymologically derives from žopa (жопа), whose translation into English is an ass. This word has several meanings, asshole, greedy, and, of course, a bottom homosexual man.
+Žopočnik (жопочник)
Žopočnik (жопочник) is a Russian expression that derives etymologically from žopa (жопа), whose English translation is an ass. Like the expression Žopnik (жопник), it also means asshole and greedy, but concerning homosexuality, people use it to refer to the top homosexual men.
+Žosâ (жося)
Žosâ (жося) is an expression of the Russian criminal slang that they used to refer contemptuously to bottom homosexual men.
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