Gay Dictionary Slovenian
How to say gay in Slovenian
Below are the words of our Slovenian Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Slovenian is a South Slavic language belonging to the Indo-European family, spoken mainly in the Republic of Slovenia and in adjacent areas in Italy and Austria, where it is an official language, and also in Hungary, surpassing the two million speakers. Highlights in our Slovenian Gay Dictionary the reference to temperature explained in the German Gay Dictionary.
In Slovenia homosexuality was decriminalized in 1977 and equal civil unions were approved in 2006, although the law was declared unconstitutional because it was discriminatory in several aspects and later modified. The law of equal marriage with homoparental adoption was submitted to a referendum in 2015 and was not approved, but subsequently, in 2017 the equal marriage was approved excluding adoption.
LGBT activism began in 1984 and gay pride is celebrated in the capital, Ljubljana, since 2001. Homophobic attacks were frequent at the beginning, but have been shrinking with the passage of time.
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