Gay Dictionary Swedish
How to say gay in Swedish
Below are the words of our Swedish Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Swedish is a language of Northern Europe belonging to the Indo-European family, spoken by about ten million people. Most of them in Sweden, Finland, and the Åland Islands, where it is the official language.
Sweden is one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of sexual diversity, having legalized homosexuality in 1944 and standing out in all the comparatives. Equal marriage, homoparental adoption, equal access to techniques of assisted fertilization, protection against discrimination are some of its characteristics. As in neighboring Denmark, the Sweden Church celebrates gay and lesbian marriages. Swedish Federation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL) is one of the oldest in the world, being founded in 1950 from the Danish. The Stockholm Pride, the oldest in the world, has been held since 1998.
Highlights in this Swedish Gay Dictionary, the eschatological reference as occurs in other Nordic countries, and the word fikus, a unique reference to the plant to name gay people.
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