Lesbian Dictionary Italian
How to say lesbian in Italian
Below are the words of our Italian Lesbian Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and this dictionary.
Italian is a language of Indo-European family formed by several dialects. It is spoken by about 62 million people and is official in 9 countries or regions.
In this lesbian dictionary placed below at your disposal, there are current expressions, but also expressions that are no longer used, but all provide information about the life lesbians have led in Italy. In this sense seem significant the expressions “Casalesbica” and “Gol-Star lesbian”. We also want to emphasize the coincidence of themes and expressions with other lesbian dictionaries as the expression “Camionista” equivalent to the words from Spanish language “Camionera” and “Trailera”; the relative lack of imagination by the small number of euphemisms, although we love “Vespa”, as well as the usual patriarchal masculinization.
Source: “Il gergo queer nell’italiano novecentesco e contemporaneo” Doctoral Thesis by Daniel de Lucia, Università “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara (2013)
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+Affetto morboso
morbid affection. Probably more used for homosexual women.
+Amor lesbico
female homosexuality.
Variations: Amor lesbio.
+Amore morboso
morbid love. Sexual relationship between two or more persons of the same sex. The word is mainly used to indicate female homosexuality.
abnormal. Insult against LGBT people. Understood as a breach of the rule, irregular thing, etc. In Italy, it is one of the most harmful, more violent and more difficult to eradicate expressions. It originated in the 12th century.
+Avere la vespa
The translation into the English language of the expression Avere la vespa is “to have the wasp”, and it is used to indicate that a person is homosexual.
the translation of “Baffo” into the English language is mustache, and Saffo is the name of the famous Greek poet from the island of Lesbos. Therefore “Baffosaffo” try to deride a lesbian with body hair.
term used in Sardinia for very masculine lesbians. Opposite of Femme.
woman truck driver. Very masculine lesbian. Opposite of Femme.
married woman (to a man), a housewife who meet lesbians.
brave and fearless lesbian.
Contrary. Karl Westphal, a German researcher who studied 200 cases of homosexuality, in 1869 coined the term “konträre Sexualempfindung” which was translated into Italian as “sessualità contraria”.
Related: Invertita, Perversa.
lesbian with “nasty look” ¿?. We assume that nasty as the eyes of the beholder, perhaps for see her too masculine. The term Cozza is used in general for uggly women, and also means mussel.
+Culto di Saffo
Saffo cult. Rare and literary form to indicate homosexuality of women.
+Deviata in amore
diverted in love. Homosexual women.
woman-men. Although it was used in the medical literature of the 19th century to talk about hermaphroditism and transsexualism, it was also used for lesbians, a time when similar terms as “hommesse” to refer to the Greek poet Saffo was used.
lipstick lesbian. From French language, indicates a lesbian with feminine attitude.
lesbian. Derives from the Latin word “ficatrix” (that rubs), referring to lesbian sex.
Variations: Fregatrice, Subigatrice.
obsolete term for a lesbian. Related to the hermaphroditism.
obsolete term for a lesbian. Word appearing in the Oxyrhynchus papyri, in a biography of Saffo, of the I centuries I – VI AD.
LGBTI+ scene.
+Gol-star lesbian
lesbian who has never had sex with a man. Perhaps Gol-star derived from Gold Star.
Inverted. Karl Westphal, a German researcher who studied 200 cases of homosexuality, in 1869 coined the term “konträre Sexualempfindung” which was translated into Italian as “sessualità contraria” (contrary sexuality). As the expression “contraria” could give an idea of rebellion or alternative, some translated it as “invertita” as it was so clearly shown the abnormal and unnatural character of lesbianism.
lesbian. Probably derived from Lella.
+Legame morboso
morbid bond. Women homosexuality.
In 1996 was created the first lesbian online community called LLI, acronym from “Lista Lesbica Italiana”. So the term Lella appeared, probably from the Gay community.
Variations: Lillina.
Variations: Amore Lesbico, Lesbismo, Lesbiano, Lezbo.
male duck. Lesbian in the Venetian dialect.
lesbian with masculine look.
butch. Very masculine lesbian.
insult to lesbian, used mainly in southern Italy. Term already used by the poet Horace (65 BC – 8 BC) to define the poet Saffo.
lesbian. Used in Bologna and made official in 2002 with the publication of the Paola Cavallin’s book “Nespole, nurzie and camionare. Il lesbismo a Bologna anni ’70 e ’80”
Perverted. Karl Westphal, a German researcher who studied 200 cases of homosexuality, in 1869 coined the term “konträre Sexualempfindung” which was translated into Italian as “sessualità contraria” (contrary sexuality). As the expression “contraria” could give an idea of rebellion or alternative, some translated it as “invertita” as it was so clearly shown the abnormal and unnatural character of lesbianism. When these ideas come to no-scientific literature, around the year 1900, is replaced by “Perversa,” which is similar, but with a strong moral burden.
Related: Contraria, Invertita.
obscene. Obsolete term for a lesbian.
lesbian in reference to Saffo, the Greek poet from Lesbos island. In the nineteenth century the term is rarely used in medical language to name homosexuality of women.
Variations: Saffismo.
Sgallettata is an expression used to refer to a lesbian, or gay, young and novice, a little foolish or frivolous.
lesbian, relative to rubbing the vulva of a woman with the vulva of another woman. Derived from Latin Tribas Tribadis , which in turn derives from the Greek tribein (rub). The term probably appeared in France during the Renaissance, with the translation of classical authors as Luciano, Marziale and Phaedrus, in which texts Tribades were condemned. Tribadism today is synonymous with physical love between two women, but satisfied in any way.
+Turpi figure del vizio
The translation into the English language of Turpi figure del vizio is “repugnant figure of vice”, and is used for both male and female homosexuality.
translation of the German expression “urningin” feminine form of “Urning” coined by homosexual activist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895), in reference to the goddess Aphrodite Urania that appears in Plato’s Symposium as protective of homosexual love, which was translated into Italian language as Urninga or “Urningo-femmina” to talk about lesbians.
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