Lesbian Dictionary Kalaallisut
How to say lesbian in Kalaallisut
Below are the words of our Kalaallisut Lesbian Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and this dictionary.
Kalaallisut or Greenlandic language is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken in the Danish island of Greenland, where it is an official language, and in Denmark, totaling sixty thousand speakers. To carry out our Kalaallisut lesbian dictionary, we have had the help of Greenlanders friends collecting expressions, and with Francesc Bailón, anthropologist and specialist in Inuit culture, which has helped us to understand the reality behind these words.
In addition to the length of the words, it is striking that are positive words, descriptive expressions, and not slang expressions, euphemisms or insults, and it is that in Inuit culture, to insult is not common.
We always say the words, insults, we do not define you, but tell us about the people who use them and the societies and eras in which they originated. In the case of Greenland, this idea is also fulfilled, but places the Inuit culture in a dimension hardly achievable, even for the most advanced and progressive societies. However, keep in mind that the world is getting smaller and everything is always in the process of mixing and change. For example, if we say that there is no prostitution in Inuit culture, not mean that in the city of Nuuk, you can not find prostitution, but what is relevant is that it is an exception. It may be that there is no prostitution because Inuit are people with a lot of sexual activity, for that sexuality is not a taboo and speak naturally when the subject arises. The swingers are common, and if the man of the house goes on a trip to hunt, no one will care or miss that the wife has sex with a woman, because Inuit women are “bisexual”, nor represent any problem if Inuit man has any homosexual behavior in his life.
But it’s not just a matter of “sexual liberality,” but it comes from a way of being in the world. The traditional Inuit values reject speculation or to question the intentions of others, it is more, his language forces the speaker to indicate the degree of certainty in what he is saying, and can not simply to declare that something has happened without indicating whether was a witness or it is simply based on rumors.
In addition, formerly, the settlement of internal conflicts (except murder) was performed using sung duels (comparable with hip-hop battles), earning who had the best improvisation and lost who had not endured the mockery of his opponent. But not even in these cases, was resorted to direct insult, but burlesque words that might offend the opponent.
No wonder, therefore, that a woman who likes women, is nothing more than a woman who likes women, and not a degenerate, as you can see in our Kalaallisut Lesbian Dictionary
Thanks to Tina E., Hans B. J. y Ikuala N. C., from Greenland, for their help 🙂
Thanks to Francesc Bailón, for his help and his kindness. We leave you these links so that you can know more about his work and expeditions.
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masculine woman. Some people use it to transgender female to male.
woman who likes women.
thing, class or homosexual kind.
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