Lesbian Dictionary Portuguese
How to say lesbian in Portuguese
Below are the words of our Portuguese Lesbian Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Portuguese is a language of Indo-European family, spoken mainly in Portugal and Brazil, and is also an official language in eight countries. Currently has over two hundred and seventy million speakers.
In Portugal, the situation of the LGBT community is good because the constitution explicitly protects against discrimination based on sexual orientation. In 2010, equal marriage was approved and in 2016, homoparental adoption supported in surveys by the majority of the population, as well as assisted reproduction techniques for lesbian women. In Lisbon, Oporto and the area of the Algarve, there is a fairly developed LGBT scene, as well as in other smaller cities. Both Lisbon and Oporto celebrate the LGBT pride attended by thousands of people.
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female trucker. Is the woman to lead trucks, task socially assigned to men. It means dyke, butch. Derogatory intention.
Femme is an expression from the French language that is used to name feminine lesbians. This expression would have its equivalent in the English language in the expressions as lipstick lesbian, feminine lesbian. Neutral.
Variations: Femina.
lesbian. Neutral.
+Lésbica Baton & Rímel
lipstick lesbian, feminine lesbian. Neutral.
Variations Machona, Virago.
sapphist, Sappho fan. neutral.
Variaciones Sapho
lipstick lesbian, feminine lesbian. Neutral.
Variations Sapatinha mini saia.
The literal translation into the English language is a big shoe. The origin of the lesbian slang Sapatão, moves between the reality and the metonymy, reality made up of women wearing men’s clothing (pardon the label) by identity and/or vindictive issues, and popular metonymy calling lesbians with a masculine characteristic as having, on average, larger feet and therefore larger shoes. The appearance of this slang is referenced in the 70s in Brazil. Check our post for Lesbian Slang Collection to read more about this word and to see the nice video of the Valesca song.
T-shirt with the Sapatão drawing. You can purchase it in our online stores.
Variations: Sapatona, Numero 43, Bico largo 42, Botinão.
Read more: Sapatão. Lesbian Dictionary (Brazil).
The translation into the English language of the Portuguese word Tríbade is the woman who does tribadism and it is slang and synonym for lesbian. It comes from the verb “tríbō” meaning to rub. In this word has its origin the term tribadism (lesbianism). In ancient Greece, the woman who rubbed their genitals with another woman was named with this term. It is an archaic term. Derogatory.
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