Lesbian Dictionary Valencian
How to say lesbian in Valencian
Below are the words of our Valencian Lesbian Dictionary, which also contains the expressions used in Catalonia, and that we will be expanding in new editions.
To make this lesbian dictionary we have used the text of Ricart García Moya “Idioma valenciano, lesbianismo y machismo” (2016), the manuscript of Antoni Bulbena Tosell “Flora pornogràfica francesa: suplement al argot francès” (1921), and other texts and dictionaries of the network. If you know any more words, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Valencian is a language of Indo-European family, spoken and official in the Valencian Community, in Spain, being part of linguistic diasystem of much of the territories of the former Crown of Aragon.
Fragment of the famous photograph of Quality Photo Studio for the cover number 8 of the digital magazine EGF AND THE CITY, colored in yellow and blue.
The first manifestation of LGBT pride was held in Valencia in 1979, organized by the Moviment d’Alliberament Sexual del País Valenciá (MASPV), which was attended by some 5,000 people. The following year the civil government did not approve the parade, this time called by the Moviment d’Alliberament Gay del Pais Valencià (MAGPV), which held a rally in the Plaza de la Virgen. Replacement of activism came by the hand of the Lambda Collective, founded in 1986, and performing demonstrations every 28 June until in 1992 took up the parade that comes to this day, estimating in 2019 the 30,000 participants.
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Aficionada a les del seu sexe
The English translation of the Valencian expression “Aficionada a les del seu sexe” is “fond of people of her sex”, and we find it in the manuscript of Antoni Bulbena Tosell “Flora pornogràfica francesa: suplement al argot francès” (1921), in which sexe is written as secse.
Variation: amadora de les del seu sexe (lover of people of her sex).
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The term Bagassa appears in the manuscript by Antoni Bulbena Tosell «Flora pornogràfica francesa: suplement al argot francès» (1921) used as a slang for prostitute. Today it seems incredible, but there was a time when women, socially, were not beings with non-reproductive sexuality, so sexual relations between women were only understood in the field of prostitution and to the delight of men. At present, Bagassa is used as a slang for lesbian in Catalonia, with the meaning of a very promiscuous lesbian that scores and fucks a lot, one more expression in which the two traditional themes of prostitution and lesbianism converge, and perhaps envy.
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The Valencian word Caballot, which could be translated into the English language as “big horse”, is a derogatory expression, used to refer to women with a gender expression that does not correspond to the female stereotype and that could be used as a lesbian euphemism. This word, which appears in the Escrig dictionary (1851), expresses masculinity in women by two aspects, one is to relate it to the horse and not to the mare, and the second by the augmentative form of the word.
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According to the Institut D’estudis Catalans, Gallimarsot is the rooster that lacks the crest for what looks like a hen, and in its second meaning, it means masculine woman. Roosters that look like hens, women that look like men. The masculine gender expression in a woman socially works, not without error, as a predictor of sexual orientation. And vice versa.
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The Valencian word Homenenca, which we can translate into the English language as mannish refers to a woman with a gender expression that does not correspond to the female stereotype, and that can be used as a lesbian euphemism. The masculine version of this word, Homenenc, referring to a woman is already found in the 17th century in Father Mulet texts, and in its feminine form, “homenenca”, already in the 19th century in the Escrig dictionary (1851).
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The Valencian word Invertida, translated into English as inverted, is a widespread expression in many languages, such as German or Italian. This term has its origin in the English word “invert” used in the psychiatric field from the publication, in 1897, of the work by Havelock Ellis, “Sexual Inversion”. It is the paradigmatic term of pathologizing era in which, from a biased and heteronormative view, try to explain homosexuality as abnormal or deviated respect to heterosexuality, correct, natural and majority, an error that continues in the current search for the determinants of homosexuality. Invertida and other related terms are the immediate antecedents of the word homosexual.
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Labris is a double-bladed ax that is currently used as a symbol associated with female and matriarchal power as well as lesbianism. That is why Labris is used to refer to a radical feminist and essentialist lesbian, not only in the Valencian but in a large number of languages. Interestingly, it is also the symbol of the extreme right-wing Greek.
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Lesbiana, obviously translated into the English language as lesbian, it is the most universal way to name homosexual women, ie women who show an inclination for erotic-affective relationships with people of the same sex. The word lesbian has its origin in the name of the Greek island of Lesbos, where the poet Sappho lived in the 5th century BC, whose literature focuses on the beauty of women and the proclamation of her love for them. There are other words like lesbiana that have been incorporated into colloquial speech in Valencian, such as Bollera, Tortillera, etc.
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Lesbicargol is an expression composed of two parts Lesbi and Cargol. The “Lesbi” part refers to a lesbian and the “Cargol” part is a variant of the Valencian word Caragol, which translated into the English language is a snail. This expression is used in Catalonia, we understand that in the LGBT scene, to ironically refer to a lesbian who always goes with the backpack on her back.
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Llepa-esquerdes is an expression used in Catalonia whose literal translation into the English language would be crack licker and that we could translate as pussy licker. With this expression, the crack would be related to the vulva, and it would be an expression directly related to sex.
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The Valencian expression Llepaire, unlike most expressions in this dictionary does not refer to gender expression but sex. The verb “llepar” translated into the English language is to lick and llepaire would be the woman who licks, that is, the one who does cunnilingus. We find it in the 1921 manuscript “Flora pornogràfica francesa: suplement al argot francès” by Antoni Bulbena Tosell, written as Lepayre.
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The Spanish translation of the Valencian expression mig-home is half a man, a way to call lesbians that comes from the yokel psycho-biological determinism, through which this relationship is established “if she likes women is that she is like a man”, and even more, “if she does things of men is that he likes women”. This expression is found in a text of the Father Gadea of 1891 in which he speaks about one mig-home girl who lived in Balones (Alicante) in 1850, in the following terms:
“Una chicota homenenca, que de la afisió tan gran que sempre ha tengut a fer totes les faenes dels homens li tragueren mich-home” “li digué a sa mare: Mare, fásam uns sarahuells”
Which translated into the English language would be:
“A manly girl, that due the fond of to do all the tasks of men she was called half a man” “He said to his mother: Mother, make me a trousers”
In addition, and as Gadea says, the mig-home and her sisters feel aversion towards men, and they declared it thus:
“May s ́ham volgut casar en nengún perro de home, per més que mos haveren vengut cagant dobletes d’or, perque tots son un hato de gosos malfaeners”.
That we could translate as:
“We have never wanted to marry any dog man, even if they had been shitting gold doubloons because they are all a bunch of bad-working bums”.
We do not know the true story of the Balones sisters, from their words we can only understand a negative experience in relation to men, which is not strange at the time as they treated women. If the protagonist was in charge of the “masculine” works, it was perhaps due to the absence of the father, however, she will go down in history as the lesbian mig-home of Balones.
To insult gay people or any man, in Valencian there is the analogous expression “ mitjanena “which translated into the English language is” half a girl “.
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The Valencian expression Mosot is the augmentative of mosso, whose translation into English is lad, teenager. Mosot, therefore it would be a big boy. This derogatory expression was used to refer to women of humble origin who were dedicated to serving in the inns or being maid of the bourgeoisie. It is an expression that was already used in the 18th century and is collected in the Escrig dictionary (1851) written as “moçot” and defined as a drudge and that always had the connotation of unfeminine. As with other words in this lesbian dictionary, a gender expression that did not correspond to the female stereotype worked, not without error, as a predictor of sexual orientation.
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Parrussaire is an expression that has its origin in the Valencian slang “parrús” which means pussy. Parrusaire would be the woman looking for pussies, that is, a lesbian. We have also found it defined as a very horny lesbian.
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Paté de figa
Paté de figa is an expression of LGBT jargon whose English translation would be “pussy pâté” and it is used to jokingly refer to a posh, classist or snob lesbian.
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Tràiler is an expression used in Catalonia to refer to a very masculine lesbian. Translated into the English language would be “trailer female driver” a slang synonym for Camionera. If a truck female driver is used to refer to a masculine lesbian, given that the trailer is bigger than the truck, we would have the origin of this slang, being in the jocular exaggeration when referring to the masculinity of a lesbian.
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Truitada is an expression used in Catalonia that comes from the word “truita”, whose translation into the English language is an omelet and in the Spanish language is “tortilla”. Tortillera, the woman who makes tortillas (omelets) it is also a Spanish slang for lesbian. Truitada would be a meeting of tortilleras, that is, a lesbian orgy.
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