Protest! Collection
God hates figs.
The shame of men´s god.
“God Hates Fags” is one of the favorite slogans of Westboro Baptist sect, famous for documentary films that have been made about them and for celebrate the death of 20 children in the school of Newtown, defining the slaughter as “the beautiful work of an angry God” a punishment from god, according to the alienated Phelps family, by the law that allows marriage between same sex in the state of Connecticut. With this latter, caused a big stir and the new was all over the news bulletins. In response to “God hates fags”, the LGBT community responded with funny and intelligent “God Hates Figs”.
God Hates Figs, extracted from the story that the Bible relates in Mark 11:12-14, and began appearing on posters and T-shirts with curious and fun adaptations as “God Hates Bags”.
sect members and its slogan | banner with the answer to the sect |
Basically, the biblical story is about a hungry Jesus Christ that was got big anger finding no figs on a fig tree despite not being the season and, as punishment, cursed the fig tree and dried it within 24 hours. This unusual fact, anger against the fig tree, which hath troubled the conscience of many Bible students and translators, is not ever read in church. Even after changing with each translation, the phrases order and the words of the text, that supposedly should not change. What we will never know is whether this passage of the Bible is so problematic for the church by embarrassing or by absurd.
What we do know is the “policy changes” in what is supposed to be the word of god. Not until 1946 when the Bible is positioned against male homosexuality. The first Bible, published in 382, made no reference to something we now call homosexuality. A combination of translation errors and intentional changes that results in dementia, or collective hallucination, to Phelps Family, holding on to a literal interpretation of the Bible, understood as the word of god, when in fact god’s word is from the convenience of the man.
Absurd is that god hates figs, as is likewise that god hates fags. Does god hate figs? Does god hate fags? Does god hate bags? Does god hate facts? Does god hate you? Does god hate cats? god?
With our 3D God hates figs, we would like to acknowledge its creators and denounce discrimination that exists in many sectors of society, protected by the supposed word of God, and toward the authorities do nothing.
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God hates figs.
“God hates fags” is one of the slogans of the Westboro Baptist sect, which was answered with slogans as “God hates bags” “God hates cats” and “God hates figs”, inspired in a curious and embarrassing passage from the bible. For this pride clothing, we have created two Drawings & Stories with 3D effect, one with text in white color and the other with text in black.
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