Pupil dilation and sexual orientation
Pupil dilation and sexual orientation| Is heterosexuality a minority?, Pupil dilation and sexual orientation| Is heterosexuality a minority?
Some time ago, began circulating through the networks the news about people’s sexual orientation could be known by measuring the pupil dilation. The news seemed interesting, but each of the links provided the same information and it did not report too much. As you know, in Moscas de Colores, we are very interested in any scientific information on sexual diversity in any of its aspects, so this news needed more detail to know if it was true or not and, in the second case, find out what was behind so much headline. That’s why we visited the website of the Cornell University (US) to look for that study and to see what we found. -
Before homosexuality, a story without labels
Before homosexuality, a story without labels | Historical & personal experie, Before homosexuality, a story without labels | Historical & personal experie
Gender, transgender, transsexuality, intersexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality, identity… Over the last century we have expanded our vocabulary as our understanding of sexual diversity has grown, and with this new vocabulary we have been writing a discourse that seeks to situate and explain each of the multiple manifestations of that diversity. -
The sexual behavior of the Sambia
The sexual behavior of the Sambia people | Ritual homosexuality, The sexual behavior of the Sambia people | Ritual homosexuality
The fight for the recognition of sexual diversity has required 200 years to get their first fruits in legislation. However, once achieved equal rights, we must continue working to get full social equality for the purpose of this equality in rights spread across the globe, stay in time and make a happier humanity. For this, it is necessary to know sexuality in an accurate way and in all its breadth, and that this knowledge flow to strip the opinions of prejudice that humanity drags since the emergence of monotheistic religions, without well knowing the reason. A good way to do it is by compared sexuality. How is sexuality in the rest of the animal kingdom? How is sexuality in other human societies? -
What is homosexual?
Homosexual. What is? | Homosexual. Unlearning concepts., Homosexual. What is? | Homosexual. Unlearning concepts.
Behaviors, attitudes and sexual tendencies of people have been seen and understood in many different ways depending on the culture or the time, and with that I am referring not only to sex between same sex people but everything that belongs to the sphere of human sexuality. The idea of a general and absolute rejection of any type of sexual contact between persons of the same sex is totally false and only understood from the Judeo-Christian perspective of the last millennium where all sexual behavior must be controlled and often suppressed or annulled. -
Homosexuality in the 21st century
Moscas de Colores is a project with several orientations. One is the explanation of homosexuality through the words that mankind has used and uses to speak of homosexual fact made in our species; because the rejection of homosexuality and human homosexuality has an origin and an explanation, whichever it may be. With an explanation things are better understood, and what is understood is rejected and feared less. With the search and the study of words, the diffuse past becomes clearer, because with the words placed on the map, what were those societies reach until today, to us, immersed in a world debate about whether we marry or not and whether we adopt or not.