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Moscas de Colores finalist in 20Blogs Awards

Arsenio Escolar, director of the newspaper 20 Minutos, presenting the gala of the VIII Premios 20Blogs. The web of Moscas de Colores was finalist.
Moscas de Colores. Get the prize without winning the contest.
The adventure of participating in the 20Blogs competition organized by the Spanish journal 20 Minutos, finished as finalists. Of 6789 blogs presented, Moscas de Colores was among the 61 selected. On April 24, 2014 we traveled to Madrid to live an exciting experience.
Our web www.moscasdecolores.com had been selected as a finalist for the best blog in the category Solidarity Blog and 2014 Best Blog. At the end did not win, but returned home satisfied because somehow our work had been recognized.
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