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Moscas de colores in Radio 3

Marta Echeverría, presenter of the morning show “Hoy empieza todo!, starting at 9:00 a.m.
Hoy empieza todo con Marta Echeverría – Moscas de colores
“Luchar contra la homofobia a través del humor. Es lo que hacen en la web Moscas de colores, que analiza el origen del lenguaje discriminatorio y lo plasma en dibujos que luego estampa en camisetas. Nos da los detalles Carolina Alba.”
We post the podcast (in Spanish) with interview that Carola Alba has made us today for the Radio 3 program “Hoy empieza todo con Marta Echevarría”. Liberal homophobia, Nacho Vegas, gay and lesbian dictionaries, Pimp up an homophobe, Lemon and Queeners and Sanctimonious. On Radio 3, we have taken a look at Moscas de Colores project, spiced with Mika and Nacho Vegas music.
For us, moreover, it has been an exciting experience to be able to explain our project on Radio 3, a station that we have been followers for the past and which is a reference in Spanish culture.
But the surprise prize came days later, because thanks to the diffusion obtained, Nacho Vegas known that we had made an article about their songs and gave us a fantastic tweet about our article.

Hoy empieza todo con Marta Echeverría
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