Homosexuality in the 21st century
Learn from science and nature.
Moscas de Colores is a project with several orientations. One is the explanation of homosexuality through the words that mankind has used and uses to speak of homosexual fact in our species; because the rejection of homosexuality and human homosexuality has an origin and an explanation, whichever it may be. With an explanation things are better understood, and what is understood is rejected and feared less. With the search and the study of words, the diffuse past becomes clearer, because with the words placed on the map, what were those societies reach until today, to us, immersed in a world debate about whether we marry or not and whether we adopt or not.
Homosexuality and lack of science.
In this debate, science is always lacking, and everything comes down to a matter of opinion that is hopelessly biased. Biased for some scientists, like the members of the Spanish “The Bioethics Committee”, poor, so ridiculous, inventing a committee and saying nonsense; and also biased for well-meaning scientists who spent hours and hours studying pairs of homoparental animals thinking they were male and female (I can imagine the face of amazement that they show when they saw the two penises … they, who had given them the name of Boy and girl 🙂
This in addition to fun is understandable: the first thing we know about homosexuality is that it is bad and the second is that it is unnatural. How not to confuse a couple of male ducks with a male and female couple? One does not expect to find homosexuality in nature because it is supposed it goes against nature. But time passes and scientific knowledge tells us the opposite: there are faggots and dykes everywhere. At home, in the building, at work, in football, in church, in government, in the European Union, Russia, Afghanistan, throughout Africa, insects, birds and mammals. And would not surprise me in crocodiles, they so hard.
“Homosexual behavior has been observed in almost 1500 species, from primates to intestinal parasites and is well documented for about 500 species” Like the bonobos you see in the head, a species that has the highest rate of homosexual behavior among animals, being completely bisexuals. How to fit this reality with everything we had learned century after century and millennium after millennium? It can not be done simply, it is necessary to unlearn some ideas so that new and more certain ones occupy their place.
Accept the functions of sex.
The functions of sex have always been the same, but humans, who have not had much trouble accepting that we are not the center of the universe, have more trouble accepting that sex has many more functions than learned, that sex is not only a human fact, but is, with all its amplitude, in all of nature.
Observing the nature we see that sex is not just for reproduction or pleasure, but also serves to social cohesion that strengthens the group as in bonobos; to generate and maintain affective ties, as in the case of dolphins, and last, and above all, for the survival of the species, as in the case of male ducks that become couple to take care of offspring in case of adverse situations, because just the reproduction does not guarantee the survival of the species.
Nature lead the way.
We live a moment of history interesting and exciting, because what has not been achieved so far by the science is getting by the people fighting for their rights, whether in associations, political parties or parading in a float on any avenue. Legislative advances are spreading from country to country across the globe. Legislative advances that generate intense social debate, an interesting and necessary debate to which humans are late, because nature for thousands of years ago has solved the issue.
Recommended link: - Wikipedia: Homosexual behavior in animals. Bonobo. Photo taken by Kabir Bakie at the Cincinnati Zoo September 5, 2005.Tag :Adoption, Compared Sexuality, Marriage, Nature And leave us a comment
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