Effeminate, from the Latin “effeminatus“. It is one of the terms, common in many languages, that perfectly define what gender vigilance is. Qualifying something or someone as effeminate, in addition to insulting and ridiculing, it is intended to point out aspects, attitudes and actions that should be avoided if one wants to be considered a true man. We must bear in mind that being Efféminé in the past, did not imply being a sodomite, in fact its association with homosexual behavior is quite recent, at least in the French language (19th century). However, by associating a man with physical features, and especially with the stereotyped character socially attributed to women (cowardly, passive, weak, fickle, capricious, emotional) his masculinity and manhood are questioned, placing him close to “infamous passions and depraved sexual practices”, since being like a woman makes it possible for him to fuck like them, turning him into something degraded and object of desire at the same time.
In addition, it should be noted that in French language the term Efféminé has been used so much to point out a man who frequented women excessively, a womanizer, as well as a wuss, a man who is dominated by his wife.
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