


Tatta means aunt in the sense of a family bond. It is a derogatory expression for gay men in the same way that occurs in the English language with the word Aunt or in the Japanese language with the word Onee, which means older sister.

Other words of the same language:

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    • Hi Vicente!

      Insults to refer to gay people usually have two targets, those who are gay and those who might be, the feminine men are among the latter. The feminization of the homosexual man is the origin of many insults.

      I have expanded the entry and added a link to the word Aunt, which you can follow for more information. This expression or this idea is in many languages, in one way or another.

      (I am writing to you in English because your comment is in English, but the website is also in Spanish, by clicking on the link on each page, you can access it.)