

Earthy-crunchy dyke

The expression Earthy-crunchy dyke most likely comes from the lesbian jargon, and we have included because, in part, is funny. We’ve found it with the following malevolent meaning 🙂 “a lesbian who is usually vegetarian and usually either New Age or Neopagan and has a tendency to change her name to something like “Sparrow” or “Lavender CrystalPower.” Earth-mother type, wears Birkenstocks (unless she’s too vegetarian to wear leather), varies from extremely flaky to very nice and sensible but who eats too much tofu with bean sprouts for most people’s tastes…”

A frame of the Spanish tv-series "La que se avecina". Araceli Madariaga, could be an Earthy-crunchy dyke., in the vain of a door with his face of infinite comprehension.

A frame of the Spanish tv-series “La que se avecina”. Araceli Madariaga, could be an Earthy-crunchy dyke.

Other words of the same language:

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What do you think about this expression?

Tell us what you think, if you like it or not, if there is an error, and also, if you know any word with which to expand this dictionary. Your opinion and your information are very important. And the diffusion too!

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