


The literal translation into the English language is a big shoe. The origin of the lesbian slang Sapatão, moves between the reality and the metonymy, reality made up of women wearing men’s clothing (pardon the label) by identity and/or vindictive issues, and popular metonymy calling lesbians with a masculine characteristic as having, on average, larger feet and therefore larger shoes. The appearance of this slang is referenced in the 70s in Brazil. Check our post for Lesbian Slang Collection to read more about this word and to see the nice video of the Valesca song.

Close-up photograph of a white T-shirt worn by a girl with the Sapatão drawing, a big sneaker with two small girls around, with slang in large letters on the bottom. Drawn in blue and orange colors.

T-shirt with the Sapatão drawing. You can purchase it in our online stores. 

Variations: Sapatona, Numero 43, Bico largo 42, Botinão.

Read more: Sapatão. Lesbian Dictionary (Brazil).

Other words of the same language:

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