


is an expression used against lesbians that would has its origin in the slang word Tortillera, because being similar jobs and having phonetic similarity, the popular etymology extends the meaning of homosexual woman to the word Bollera. The word Bollera shares its origin with other words like Arepera (Colombia) and Cachapera (Venezuela) who are women who make or sell some corn pancakes, just as the Bollera is the woman who makes or sells buns. In our opinion and based on the information obtained and the chronology, all these slang words derived from Tortillera, that curiously not derived from “tortilla” (omelette), but twisted. The idea is that in Spain, from Tortillera, recently the slang Bollera was created, and when Tortillera reached Latin America in the early 20th century, Arepera and Cachapera slangs were created with the meaning of homosexual woman. Learn more about Bollera on the link below. 

See: Bollo. Lesbian Dictionary (Spain)

Variations: Bollo, Bolli, Bollitos, Bollodrama, Bollicao, Bolliliendre, Bollicaracol, Zampabollos.

Other words of the same language:

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