Lesbian Slang Collection
Bollo. Lesbian Dictionary (Spain). Icon.
Deliciously pop.
This design is a variation of the Bollo illustration. As much as we like the first. It has another touch and to distinguish it from earlier we had to think of a more descriptive name. We don’t spend a lot of time but think about calling Bollo Icon.
To know the origin of this term see the article Lesbian Dictionary: Bollo (Spain)
If you think of a better name, please tell us, we like the suggestions. Moreover, just this illustration we owe to our graaaate friend fo us!! Also available for a dark shirt. 🙂
With this word we have made an illustration more pop than the first that you can purchase printed to gift someone special or to show off with pride, with all the story you can know reading the original post. The illustration is available for light and dark background both in this version and in the Icon version, which you can find in the original entry on this website.
Check our Spanish Lesbian Dictionary to learn more interesting words and stories.
Sexual Diversity in Spain according to Wikipedia.
When you purchase a Moscas de Colores design you not only help us to support this website and this project, but you also become part of the group of people that spread the words, their history and the reality that has gone with us and that still goes with us, because each of our designs is a story that you will tell and explain, an opportunity to help things get better by normalizing, visibilizing and, why not, reappropriating.

Bollo. Lesbian Dictionary (Spain). Icon.
This is a variation of the design on the lesbian slang word Bollo, which we like as much as the first. This Drawing & Story focuses on a vector style bun, like an icon, that you can transform into an original lesbian shirt to proudly wear each day or to gift someone special for you. Bollo Icon, deliciously pop.
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Tell us what you think about the illustration and what we tell on it. If you like it, you can purchase it printed on t-shirts and different products, to wear them with pride every day or to give to someone special for you.
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